Thursday, October 10, 2013

Samuel Adams Boston Lager

If you are a lager lover definitely this beer is for you, it was first introduce to me by my friend in the state ... way way back! since then I was curious, not until last week that  me and the other Beer Junkies saw an article about Beer Paradise -- guess what? they have Sam Adams.

Beer Paradise is a haven for beer lovers they have all kind of variety of beer, commercial foreign beer to local and foreign craft beer, it is located at Jupiter Makati Philippines, will do a separate blog on this ... I'm really excited.

Anyway, Sam Adams for me is a  very well rounded beer -- It pours a light amber near redish in color with a good white head retention. The aroma is strong with a sweet toasted caramel, hops and somewhat old grain.  It taste really really good, an evident of strong malt base a sweetness of toasted caramel with some fruitty note and some spices, the after taste is somewhat dry and a little bitter in end.

I can take this beer anytime of the day, I'm a Ale guy but this lagger right here deserves a salute!

Brewed by: Boston Beer Company | 4.90% ABV

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