Tuesday, October 8, 2013

William Wallace Ale - FREEEDOM!

Remember the Scottish guy from the 13th century who shouted FREEEEDOM! Sir William Wallace – not only he has liberated Scotland from the English rule and has a movie titled Brave Heart he also has a beer name after from himself, William Wallace Ale.

This Ale is quite liberating – with its smooth coffee caramel and malty flavor, slightly bitter and with a dry end, similar to its taste it smells like chocolate, sweet and strong, when pour you will notice a light brown color with a thin light brownish top, with its low alcohol content of 4.5% this beer make a good nightcap.

William Wallace Ale is being brewed by Traditional Scottish Ales which is also the maker of 1488 Whisky Ale which I’ll be trying soon. I am fairly satisfied with its taste specially the smooth hop after taste.

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