Sunday, September 22, 2013

Primo Bogs - Craft Beer from the Negros Islands

Primo Bogs is the other craft beer that we were able to taste in our newest gastropub discovery, Barley Gastropub.

Primo Bogs is being brewed by Bogs Brew in Negros Islands in the Philippines. "Primo" is a Spanish word that has two translations from Google Translate. If used as a noun it is "cousin" in English but if it is used an adjective, it translates to "primary". I think I would go for the second translation which best fit the as the "first" beer by Bogs Brew. I'll have to go to Negros and talk to the crafters to get behind their meaning of Primo.  

One of the main ingredient of the brew is muscovado sugar, which is abundant in the island. Other ingredients that I remember from reading the label was organic rice and wild bee honey.

The beer was not originally on my drink list that night as I was keen on tasting the other local craft from Iligan which was unfortunately out of stock. But as recommended by our attendant Henry (superb service!), Primo Bogs was my best alternative. 

As soon as Henry placed the bottle on our table, I immediately did what every person would do if they have unknown food or beverage in front of them, smell it. To my surprise, it did not smell like other beers. It has this sweet scent to it brought about by the muscovado and wild bee honey combination. I poured the beer and watched the blonde ale fill the glass. Yes it was blonde and lighter in color than the "light" beer of the three-letter-abbreviated beer that we all know. 

Next thing I checked before drinking it was the ABV (Alcohol by Volume) of the beer. Well I didn't find any on the label unless I just missed it. So if ever anyone of you know the the ABV of Primo Bogs, let us know. 

I went on the best part which is tasting the beer. The first thing on that popped on my mind was "Is this beer?" because it tasted nothing like beer. So I took another gulp and this time I let it rest a little longer in my mouth so I can better taste it. Still the same result but I was able to taste the sweetness that I previously smelled. The bitterness of beer was almost non-existent and the way it went down is smooth. Honestly, my impression is that it lacked taste but I think the reason that I came with that is because I grew up with drinking the three-letter-abbreviated beer. 

I went to drink two more bottles of Primo Bogs before we called it a night. All in all I liked the beer but not to the point that it would be my default beer. Mainly because it is more expensive than corporate beers and it is not widely available. Yes, I would order it again and  I would like to drink it in their hometown, Negros.

Who would I drink this with? I would drink this with my buddies who are just having a night cap. It goes down smoothly, refreshing and a hint of sweetness. I also recommend ordering this for the ladies who are not really into beer.

What would I pair this with? Food-wise, I believe anything would pair nicely. Though I would highly recommend 90's pop/rnb music in the background to add enjoyment to the experience.

Salute to the brewers/crafters of Bogs Brew for coming up with their own beer. It is really something to be proud of. It also gives us alternatives besides the corporate beers that we commonly chug down. 

Note: I wasn't able to take other pictures as I my battery was running low. Will try to get more pictures soon.

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